Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Worship Words, Discipling Language for Faithful Ministry

264.0014 RIE /1//1
Rienstra, D. ;
Worship Words : Discipling Language for Faithful Ministry / Debra Rienstra ; Ron Rienstra. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, 2009. — 286 pages : ill.. — ISBN 978-0-8010-3616-3
ДКД 264.0014,
ДКД 264.0014,
1. The Dimensions of Language in Worship
2. Worship as Dialogic Encounter
3. On Chatter and Patter
4. On Repetition
5. The Puzzle of Authenticity
6. Watch Your Figures: Metaphor in Worship
7. Naming God: Meeting the One Who Is
8. Something Old: Inviting Tradition into Today
9. Something New: Incarnating the Gospel Now
10. Something Borrowed: Worshiping with the Global Church
11. Something Blue: The Ministry of Lament
12. The Embedded Word: Putting It All Together

Appendix 1: Practical Advice for All Occasions: Ten Tips
Appendix 2: Worship Planning Process
Appendix 3: Assessing Songs for Congregational Use
This book carefully examines the role and use of language for praying, singing, and preaching in the worship practices of the church. The author's goal is to help students, pastors and worship leaders come to a renewed appreciation and understanding of the beauty and power of words in worship and to inspire them to use words more intentionally -- to the greater glory of God and the greater blessing of God's people.

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