Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Church, State and Public Justice, Five Views

261.70973 KEM /1//2
Kemeny, P.C. ;
Church, State and Public Justice : Five Views / P. C. Kemeny, ed.. — Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, 2007. — 254 pages. — ISBN 978-0-8308-2796-1
ДКД 261.70973,
ДКД 261.70973,
Introduction / P. C. Kemeny
1. Life on the Border: A Catholic Perspective / Clarke E. Cochran
2. The Classical Separation Perspective / Derek H. Davis
3. The Principled Pluralist Perspective / Corwin Smidt
4. The Anabaptist Perspective / Ronald J. Sider
5. The Social Justice Perspective / J. Philip Wogaman
Although Christians share many deep and significant theological convictions, differences that threaten to divide them have often surrounded the matter of how the church collectively and Christians individually ought to engage the public square. The five noted contributors answer key questions from within their distinctive Christian theological traditions, as well as responding to the other four positions.

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