Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

How to Get Ready for Short-Term Missions, The Ultimate Guide for Sponsors, Parents, and Those Who Go

266.0023 FAN /1//1
Fann, A. ;
How to Get Ready for Short-Term Missions : The Ultimate Guide for Sponsors, Parents, and Those Who Go / Anne-Geri Fann ; Greg Taylor. — Nashville, Tennesee : Thomas Nelson Inc., 2006. — 100 pages : ill.. — ISBN 1-4185-0977-9
ДКД 266.002,
ДКД 266.002,
1. The Journey Begins
2. Things To Pack
3. Entering a Foreign Culture
4. What You Have to Offer
5. What You Don't Want to Offer
6. Building Relationships
7. What to Expect When You Return Home
8. For the Parents: Kicking Your Kids out of the Family Tree
The essential guide to survive before, during, and after your mission trip.

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