Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Worship in the Early Church

264.011 MAR /1//1
Martin R. P., ;
Worship in the Early Church / Ralph P. Martin. — Reprinted. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995. — 144 pages. — ISBN 0-8028-1613-4
ДКД 264.011,
ДКД 264.011,
1. The Church - A Worshipping Community
2. The Jewish Inheritance in the Temple and Synagogue
3. The Prayers and PRaises of the New Testament
4. Hymns and Spiritual Songs
5. The Pattern of Sound Words -- Early Creeds and Confessions of Faith
6. The Ministry of the Word
7. Concerning the Collection - Christian Stewardship
8. The Gospel Sacraments - Baptism in the Teaching of Jesus
9. The Apostolic Practice of Baptism
10. The Last Supper - Its Background and Significance
11. The Lord's Supper in the Early Church
12. Later Developments of Christian Worship
Worship involves all Christians. Clergymen, church boards, worship committees, and persons in the pew will all benefit from this lucid setting forth of why believers do what they do when they gather together for worship.

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