Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Dictionary of Mission Theology, Evangelical Foundations

266.003 COR /1//1
Corrie, J. ;
Dictionary of Mission Theology : Evangelical Foundations / John Corrie ; Samuel Escobar and Wilbert Shenk. — Downers Grove, Illinois : Inter-Varsity Press, 2007. — 461 pages. — ISBN 978-0-8308-2453-3
ДКД 266.003,
ДКД 266.003,
In recent decades mission theology has quietly undergone a remarkable reorientation. No longer the exclusive enterprise of the West, like the global Internet, Christian mission has become decentralized... Christian mission now radiates from everywhere to everywhere, and mission theology has been enriched and shaped by this new reality.
The Dictionary of Mission Theology is the first reference book of its kind to reflect this new world of mission. With the majority of its 160-plus articles written by contributors from the Majority World, it reflects a variety of global contexts. The missiological implications of central Christian doctrines are explored, and a range of new perspectives are highlighted and weighed. Along with affirmations of time-tested foundations, one will find here original contributions to missiological thought, challenges to traditional views of mission, and an invitation to creatively integrate evangelism, liberation, healing and justice.

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