Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The study Quran, a new translation and commentary

297.122521 NAS /1//1
Nasr S. H., ; Dagli Caner K., Dakake M. M., Lumbard Joseph E. B., ; Rustom Mohammed, ;
The study Quran : a new translation and commentary / Seyyed Hossein Nasr editor-in-chief ; Caner K. Dagli, Maria Massi Dakake, Joseph E. B. Lumbard, general editors ; Mohammed Rustom, assistant editor. — First edition.. — Broadway, New York : HarperCollins Publishers, 2015. — lix, 1988 p. : — ISBN 978-0-06-112586-7978-0-06-112588-1 ((leather))978-0-06-112587-4 ((pbk))
ДКД 297.122521
ДКД 297.122521

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