Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Holy Spirit

231.3 HOL /1//1
Holmes Christopher R. J., ; Allen M., Swain S. R., ;
The Holy Spirit / Christopher R.J. Holmes ; Michael Allen, and Scott R. Swain, general editors. — Grand Rapids : Zondervan, ©2015. — 218 p.. — (New studies in dogmatics). — ISBN 978-0-310-49170-5
Holy Spirit
ДКД 231.3
ДКД 231.3
On learning the Holy Spirit -- Engaging Augustine: the divinity of the Holy Spirit -- The Spirit and the new birth -- Heavenly things -- Engaging Thomas: the hypostatic subsistence of the Holy Spirit -- Rivers of living water -- The kingship of Jesus and the Spirit -- Engaging Barth: the other-directed Spirit -- The redemptive Spirit -- The Spirit of Christ -- Correlates: regeneration, church, and tradition -- Regenerated sight -- Church and tradition -- On theological vision.

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