Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія


222.3207 BRE /1//1
Brensinger T. L, ;
Judges / Terry L. Brensinger. — Scottdale, Pennsylvania : Herald Press, ©1999. — 262 p. : maps, port.. — (Believers Church Bible Commentary). — ISBN 0-8361-9104-8
ДКД 222.3207
ДКД 222.3207
Terry L. Brensinger explains the ups and downs of the Israelites during the period of the Judges. By tracing developments under each judge, he shows how Israel's condition deteriorates to near-total chaos. The book of Judges begins with depictions of Israel's obedience and faithfulness but ends with disunited and leaderless tribes. The people tend to take their focus away from serving the Lord. Instead, they follow other gods, seek false security, and do what is right in their own eyes.
The author provides practical applications for such contemporary issues as religious unfaithfulness, the nature of community, the roles and responsibilities of leaders, and war and violence.

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