Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Constants in Context, A Theology of Mission for Today

266 BEV /1//1
Bevans S. B., Schroeder R. P., ;
Constants in Context : A Theology of Mission for Today / Stephen B. Bevans ; Roger P. Schroeder. — Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, ©2004. — xxii, 488 p. : maps. — ISBN 1-57075-517-5
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
I. Biblical and Theological Foundations
1. Missionary by Its Very Nature
2. You Are Witnesses of These Things

II. Historical Models of Mission
3. Mission in the Early Church
4. Mission and the Monastic Movement (313-907)
5. Mission and the Mendicant Movement (1000-1453)
6. Mission in the Age of Discovery (1492-1773)
7. Mission in the Age of Progress (1792-1914)
8. Mission in the Twentieth Century (1919-1991)

III. A Theology of Mission for Today
9. Mission as Participation in the Mission of the Triune God
10. Mission as Liberating Service of the Reign of God
11. Mission as Proclamation of Jesus Chris as Universal Savior
12. Mission as Prophetic Dialogue
Concluding Reflections: On Being Constant in Today's Context
A masterpiece that situates the theology of mission within a global history of church mission, this volume will no doubt become an instant classic. Meticulously researched, comprehensive in scope, and stylistically accessible, this book is required reading for every ministerial student of all denominations who will have to do ministry in an increasingly pluralistic world.

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