Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

A heart for the city

253 FUD /1//1
Fuder J., ;
A heart for the city / John Fuder. — Chicago : Moody Pablishers, 1999. — 523 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8024-9100-8
ДКД 253
ДКД 253
Part 1: Context and History
1. ^Chicago's Place in World Evangelism
Ray Bakke
Part 2. Biblical and ^Philosophical Foundations
2. Called to Christ, Called to Compassion
Joseph ^Stowell
3. A Case for Wholistic Urban Ministry
Glen Kehrein
4. A ^Philosophy of Urban Ministry
Wayne L. Gordon
5. Promoting Racial Reconcilation ^in the City
Milton Massie and Marc Henkel
Part 3. Educating and Training ^
6. Becoming an "Insider:
John E. Fuder
7. Training College Students ^for Urban Ministry
Robert C. Smith
8. Ministerial Formation in the African-American ^Church
Dwight Perry
9. The Role of Preaching in the African-American Church ^
James Ford Jr.
Part 4: Local Church Models
10. Multiplying ^Churches to Take Cites for Christ
Tom Maluaga
11. The Use of Arts in Urban ^Evangelism and Discipleship
Brain Bakke
12. Rethinking the Church to Reach ^the City
Mark Jobe
13. New Wineskin-Same Vintage Wine
Michael N. Allen ^
14. The Church Behind Bars
Len Maselli
Part 5: Ethnic Communities
15. ^Incarnational Ministry in the Latino Community
Noel Castellanos
16. Reaching ^the Chinese Community
David Wu and Michael Tasang
17. Outreach to the Jewish ^Community
Michael Rydelnik
18. Bridging the Gap to Islam
Raouf Boulos
19. ^Missions in Reverse
Sunday Bwanhot
Part 6. Disenfranchised Subcultures
20. ^Restoring Dignity to the Homeless
Arloa Sutter
21. An Old Lighthouse for ^a New World
Phil Kwaitkowski
22. Who Is My Neighbor?
Chad Erlenborn
23. ^Reaching the Homosexual Community
Brad Grammer
24. Ministering on the Projects
David ^C. Brown and Dana Thomas
Part 7: Childern and Youth
25. Reaching ^the Next Generation for Christ
William Paul Dillion
26. Childern of Promise ^
Lonnie Kehrein
27. Reaching Youth Involved in Gangs
Tom Locke
28. ^Kids...with Kids
Connie Mead
29. The Home as a Ministry Base
Jesus is still the answer for urban ministries, for ministries to the downtrodden, poor, and distressed in our cities. A Heart for the City is a rich compendium of valuable information on city ministries written by people who are currently ministering in the city, including pastors, Christian school administrators, and directors of homeless missions. It includes many illustrations and case studies that will prove valuable to any who work in the city or who want to understand how to more effectively help in the city. There are 29 chapters, divided into the following seven parts:
- Context and History
- Biblical and Philosophical Foundations
- Education and Training
- Local Church Models
- Ethnic Communities
- Disenfranchised Subcultures
- Children and Youth
A Heart For the City is a unique treasure of encouragement for those serving in or those with a heart for the inner city. You will surely be blessed!

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