Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The End of Theology, Shaping Theology for the Sake of Mission

266 SEX /1//1
Sexton J. S., Weston P., ;
The End of Theology : Shaping Theology for the Sake of Mission / Jason S. Sexton (editor) ; Paul Weston (editor) . — Minneapolis, Minnesota : Fortress Press, ©2016. — 299 pages. — ISBN 978-1-5064-0591-9978-1-5064-0592-6
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
I. Theology and mission in dialogue.
1. A missional approach to scripture for the theological task / Michael W. Goheen
2. Widening the frame on redemptive history: a response to Michael Goheen /Justin Stratis
3. More scripture, please!: a Protestant approach to appropriating tradition for theology today / Bradley G. Green
4. A Missiological appropriation of tradition: a response to Brad Green / Paul Weston
5. Doing theology for the church's mission: the appropriation of culture /Kirsteen Kim
6. Theology of culture for the missionary task: a response to Kirsteen Kim / Daniel Strange

II. Assessing the shape of theology and mission in dialogue.
7. Theology, Bible, and mission / Mark W. Elliott
8. Doing theology for the church's mission: a historian's perspective / Brian Stanley
9. Seeing and believing / Pete Ward
10. Confessing evangelical theology in dynamic public spaces / Jason S. Sexton

III. Practice of shaping theology for mission.
11. The widening of Christian mission: C. René Padilla and the intellectual origins of integral mission / David C. Kirkpatrick
12. Embodiment as social healing between the church and LBGT community / Andrew Marin
13. Pioneering mission for the church's theology / Jonny Baker
14. Adopting a new theological paradigm for doing theology for the church's mission / Krish Kandiah
Missiologists and theologians do not often talk to each other, which has resulted in increased ignorance of each other’s questions and concerns about how to do theology in ways that effectively serve the Church’s mission. Under the auspices of the Tyndale Fellowship Christian Doctrine study group, a colloquium of distinguished scholars and practitioners recently gathered at the University of Cambridge. This volume, arising out of that symposium, begins conversations that have been waiting to happen. Each participant brings a particular perspective to questions about the nature of theology and how it is most meaningfully constructed so as to offer a truly interdisciplinary perspective on theology and mission. It highlights perspectives of contextual theology and systematic theology, as well as missiology and mission studies, world Christianity and historical inquiry, biblical studies and missional hermeneutics, ethnography, pastoral practice, and social justice. It also pays keen attention to matters on the ground with a profound desire to relate questions of evangelical identity – including ministry practice and mission – to the wider tradition. In short this volume sets out to model the kind of engagement required by both Church and Academy to do theology for mission.

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