Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

All My Feelings Are Okay

248.845 KON.A /1//1
Kondracki L., ;
All My Feelings Are Okay / Linda Kondracki . — Grand Rapids : Fleming H Revell, ©1986. — 132 p. : il.. — (Confident Kids : Guides for Growing a Healthy Family). — ISBN 0-8007-5441-7
ДКД 248.845
ДКД 248.845
The inability to express feelings is one of the primary characteristics of dysfunctional families. Children often grow up believing that feelings, especially painful feelings, are wrong. Kondracki helps readers to identify destructive patterns of denying feelings and offers healthy alternatives. An action-oriented book in the Guides for Growing a Healthy Family series.

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