Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Let's Talk, Let's Listen, Too, Guides for Growing a Healthy Family

248.845 KON /1//1
Kondracki L., ;
Let's Talk, Let's Listen, Too : Guides for Growing a Healthy Family / Linda Kondracki. — Grand Rapids : Fleming H Revell, ©1986. — 132 p. : il.. — (Confident Kids). — ISBN 0-8007-1697-3
ДКД 248.845
ДКД 248.845
These family guides are a collection of innovative books written especially for parents of elementary age children. More than a series of parenting books, these guides encourage interaction between parents and children by combining stories, discussion starters, and activities to create a practical hands-on resource for teaching healthy living skills to your whole family.

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