Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Do What You Have the Power to Do, Studies of Six New Testament Women

225.922082 PEA /1//1
Pearson B.H., ;
Do What You Have the Power to Do : Studies of Six New Testament Women / Helen Bruch Pearson. — Nashville : Upper Room Books, ©1997. — 168 p.. — ISBN 0-8358-0643-X
ДКД 225.922082
ДКД 225.922082
Introduction and Appreciation
Chapter one
The Power to Break the Silence
Six Women Who Encountered Jesus
Chapter two
The Power to Do
The Woman Who Anointed Jesus (Mark 14:3-9)
Chapter three
The power of Freedom
The Bent-Over Woman (Luke 13: 10-17)
Chapter four
The Power of Persistent Faith
The Women Who Extended the Lord's Table (Matthew 15:21-28)
Chapter five
The Power of Touch
The Woman Who Broke the Curse (Mark 5: 25-34)
Chapter six
The Power of a New Beginning
The Woman Who had a near-death experience (John 7: 53-8:11)
Chapter seven
The Power of Witnessing
The Woman Who Hauled Living Water (John 4: 1-30, 39-42)

This Bible study, based on New Testament encounters between Jesus and six women, invites Christian women to develop and invest their gifts and talents to move church and society closer to the community envisioned by Jesus

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