Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Becoming a Woman of Prayer

248.32082 HEA /1//1
Heald C., ;
Becoming a Woman of Prayer / Cynthia Heald. — Colorado Spring, Colorado : NAVPRESS, ©1999. — 101 p.. — ISBN 08910-99549
ДКД 248.32082
ДКД 248.32082
So often we think of prayer as something we do to break through to God―to get His attention and to get Him to listen to us. But intimacy with God is His idea. He has taken the initiative, and prayer is His gift to us. It is an opportunity for us to respond to His invitation to intimacy by calling, crying, and singing to Him. Prayer is our response to the One who has called out to us and desires to be in a relationship with us.

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