Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Resurrection Power, 50 Days That Rocked the World: A Devotional Journey

242.2 STI /1//1
Still R., ;
Resurrection Power : 50 Days That Rocked the World: A Devotional Journey / Rob Still . — : Still Music Group Inc, ©2014. — 215 p.. — ISBN 978-1-63173-228-7
ДКД 242.2
ДКД 242.2
Resurrection Power is a devotional book that deeply examines the events and conversations surrounding Jesus from Resurrection until Pentecost. Each chapter opens with a beautiful photograph of the morning sunrise, then delves into the narratives that transformed the history of the world. Music producer-turned-worship pastor Rob Still shares a down-to-earth perspective converging divergent sources of inspiration, from theological commentaries to modern song lyrics. Anyone desiring a fresh viewpoint to grow deeper in their faith will benefit from this book.

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