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Seeking Cultures of Peace, A Peace Church Conversation

261.873 ENN /1//1
Enns F., ;
Seeking Cultures of Peace : A Peace Church Conversation / Fernando Enns, ed. ; Scott Holland, ed. and Ann Riggs, ed.. — Telford, Pennsylvania : Cascadia Publishing House, ©2004. — 260 p.. — ISBN 1-931038-21-X
ДКД 261.873
ДКД 261.873
I. Introduction: Discerning in Ecumenical Context
1. Remarks to the Bienenberg Consultation / Konrad Raiser
2. Space for Theological Reflection on Being (Peace-)Church / Fernando Enns

II. Interpreting Globalization: Questions of Power
3. Globalization and Claiming Truth / Neal Blough
4. The Disavowal of Constantine in the Age of Global Capital / Peter Dula
5. The Power of Historiography / Alred Neufeld

III. The Gospel of Peace in Context: Shaping Identity
6. Inculturation: Building on the Cultures of Our Past / Ann K. Riggs
7. Atonement and the Gospel of Peace / J. Denny Weaver
8. Reconciliation or Pacifism? The Nigerian Experience / Paatrick K. Bugu
9. The Gospel of Peace and the Violence of God / Scott Holland
10. Being a Peace Church in the Colombian Context / Alix Lozano

IV. Building Cultures of Just Peace
11. Did Jesus Love His Enemies? / Daniel W. Ulrich
12. Paul as Mediato / Moises Mayordomo
13. A Feminist Theological Perspective on Conflict Trasformation / Debbie Roberts
14. The Sacred Nature of Places: Understanding Land as a Contribution to Peacebuilding / Elaine Bishop
15. Intercessors for Reunification: Toward a Peacebuilding Church in Korea / Sang Gyoo Lee
16. Peace in the Tiger's Mouth / Alastair McIntosh
The essays in this book represent a contribution of the Historic Peace Churches (HPC) to the work of the World Council of Churches' Decade to Overcome Violence. They are divided into four sections: the first introduces the ecumenical context of this discussion, the history of HPC relations, and the globalized reality in which contemporary violence occurs. The second is written from three geo-social settings and engages the notion of globalization from three viewpoints: biblical studies, theological ethics and historiography. The third section engages the gospel and our traditions within the contexts of HPC communities in North America, Nigeria and Colombia. And the fourth discusses resources in HPC tradition for action, reflection and critique in building a future of justice and peace. An appendix reproduces a statement prepared at a 2001 consultation of interested members of the Brethren, Quaker and Mennonite communities, entitled Just Peace-making: Towards an Ecumenical Ethical Approach from the Perspective of the Historic Peace Churches. A Study Paper for Dialogue with the Wider Church.

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