Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Treatise on God. The New Science. Critique of Pure Reason, Great Books Discussion Program, Sixth Year Readings, Volume Two

281.1 AGU /1//1
Aguinas, St. Thomas/Vico, Giambattista/Kant, I. ;
Treatise on God. The New Science. Critique of Pure Reason : Great Books Discussion Program, Sixth Year Readings, Volume Two / Aguinas, St. Thomas/Vico, Giambattista/Kant, I.. — Chicago, Illinois : Great Books Foundation, 1952. — 184 с. ; 22 см.. — ISBN (soft cover)
ДКД 281.1 231 239 201
ДКД 281.1 231 239 201

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