Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Promise Book, The, In One Volume David Wilkerson's "The Jesus Person Promise Book and D. L. Moody's "Heaven"

242 WIL /1//1
Wilkerson, David/Moody, D. L. ;
Promise Book, The : In One Volume David Wilkerson's "The Jesus Person Promise Book and D. L. Moody's "Heaven" / Wilkerson, David/Moody, D. L.. — Charlotte, N. C. : Commission Press, 1972. — 120 с. ; 20 см.. — ISBN 0-8307-0191-5 (soft cover)
ДКД 242 248.86 236.24
ДКД 242 248.86 236.24

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