Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Church and Cultures

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Luzbetak L. J., ;
The Church and Cultures / Louis J. Luzbetak. — Maryknoll : Orbis Books , ©1988. — 464 p.. — (American Society of Missiology). — ISBN 0-88344-625-1
ДКД 266.001
ДКД 266.001
Preface to the Series
1. The Theological Foundations of Missiological Anthropology:
A Preamble
The Primacy of the Holy Spirit
The Need of Spirituality
A Living Faith
Dedication to the Needs of Others
A Humble Sense of Personal Mission
The Importance of Human Knowledge and Skill Summary
2. Missiologial Anthropology
Nature and Scope
History of Missiology
Missiological Resources
Nature and Scope of Antropology
Subdisciplines of Anthropology
Applied Antropology
Antropology and other disciplines
Missiological Anthropology
Nature and Scope Missiological Anthropology
Justificational, Professional Ethics
History of Mission Anthropology
Missionarie and Professional AAnthropologist
3. Mission Models
Ethnocentric Orientations
Accommodational Orientations
Contextual (Incarnatonal, Inculturational) Orientation
An Historical Overviw of Mission Models
Early Expansion: The First Five Hundred Year
The Christianization of Europe - 500 - 1500 A.D.
The Evangelization of New Peoples in Asia and the Americas - 1500 - 1800 A.D.
The Nineteenth Century
Contemporary Mission: 1914 - 1945
4. Signs of the Times
The Moratorium
New Independent Church Movements
Loal Theologies, Commitment to the Poor, Basic Communities, the Continuing strength of Popular Religiosity, and New Ministries
Vatican II and Beyond
Vatican II: 1962 - 1965
Beyond Vatican II
Official Catholic Teaching
5. The Nature of Culture
Cultural Perspective
Early Anthropological Definitions
he Nature of Knowledge
The Nature of Models
Criteria for a Good Model
The Need for a Missiologicaly Oriented Model of Culture
An Overview of Cultural Models
A Composite Missiological Perspective of Culture: Culture as a Socially Shared Design for Living
Culture as a Plan for Living
Culture as a Societal Prossession
Culture as a Learned Design
6. Integration of Culture
Surface Level of Culture: Cultural Forms
Intermediate Level of Culture: Structural Integration
The Notion of Structural Integration
Method of Inquiry
summary and Missiological Application
Third Level of Culture: Psychological Integration The Mentality of a People
World View
Religion, Ideology, Philosophy
Themes and Counterthemes
Summary and Missiological Application
7. Cultural Dynamics
General Notions
The Nature of Cultural Dynamics
Anthropology and Cultural Change
The Locus of Culture Change
Kinds of Culture Change
Summary and Missiologial Application: General NotionsRegarding Cultural Change
The Processess by Which Cultures Change
Conditions Favoring Change/ Persistence
Conditions Favoring Change in Gneral
Conditions Favoring Origination
Conditions Favoring Diffusion
Summary and Missiological Application: Conditions Favoring Change
8. Epilogue: Anthropology at the Service of Faith
The Church as Community
The Communal Model: Its Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
Anthropological Application
The Church as Universal Sacrament
The Sacramental Model: Its Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
Anthropological Application
The Church as Herald
The Kerygmatic Model:Its Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
Anthropological Application
The Church as Servant
The Diaconal Model: Its Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
The Diaconal Tasks of the Church: Who Are the Poor?
Anthropological Application
Supplementary Readings
The Church as Institution
The Institutional Model of the Church: Its Meaning, Strengths, and Weaknesses
Anthropological Application
Why should the church be concerned about cultures? Louis J. Luzbetak began to answer this question twenty-five years ago with the publication of The Church and Cultures: An Applied Anthropology for the Religious Worker. Reprinted six times and translated into five languages, it became an undisputed classic in the field. Now, by popular demand, Luzbetak has thoroughly rewritten his work, completely updating it in light of contemporary anthropological and missiological thought and in face of current world conditions. Serving as a handbook for a culturally sensitive ministry and witness, The Church and Cultures introduces the non-anthropologist to a wealth of scientific knowledge directly relevant to pastoral work, religious education social action and liturgy - in fact, to all forms of missionary activity in the church. It focuses on a burning theological issue: that of contextualization, the process by which a local church integrates its understanding of the Gospel (text) with the local culture (context).

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