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Galatians, Believers Church Bible Commentary

227.407 BRU /1//1
Brunk III G. R., ;
Galatians : Believers Church Bible Commentary / George R. Brunk III. — Harrisonburg, Virginia : Herald Press, ©2015. — 335 p.. — (Believers Church Bible Commentary). — ISBN 978-0-83619860-7
ДКД 227.407
ДКД 227.407

Series Forward
Author’s Preface

Introduction to Galatians
The Historical Influence of Galatians
Author, Audience, Date
The Literary Type and Structure of Galatians
Contemporary Significance of Galatians
Features of this Commentary

The Letter Opening, 1:1-5
Galatians as an Apostolic Epistle
The Special Function of the Letter Opening
Practicing a Christ-Centered Faith
Understanding Atonement
Separation from the World

Part 1 (1:6–4:11): A Rebuke: Defending the Truth

The Problem in the Galatian Churches, 1:6-10
Curse as Discipline
Uniqueness of the Gospel
Authority in Church Life
Discipline, Power, and Peace

Paul’s Defense of the Gospel as New Revelation, 1:11–2:21
Thesis Statement, 1:11-12
Paul’s Defense of His Authority
Opposition to Paul
Relating the Human and the Divine
Paul’s Experience—Unique or Exemplary?
Certainty of Faith
Conversion and Call, 1:13-17
Reconstructing Paul’s Life
Paul’s Conversion
The Formation of Paul’s Theology
Revelation and Tradition
The Relationship of Conversion and Call
Practicing the Centrality of Christ
Visit with Cephas and James, 1:18-20
The First Visit to Jerusalem
Leadership in the Jerusalem Church
Integrity of Leaders
In Christ
Glorifying God
isit with the Leading Apostles, 2:1-10
Leadership and Authority
Church Unity and Truth
Leadership and the Faithful Church
Incident at Antioch, 2:11-21
Justification and Righteousness in Scripture
Faith in Paul and James
Identification with Christ
Equality in Church and Society
Justification, Sanctification, and Discipleship
Practicing the Centrality of Christ

Paul’s Defense of the Gospel as Fulfilled Revelation, 3:1–4:11
The Issue Identified, 3:1-5
Signs and Wonders in Paul and the New Testament
Spiritual Maturity
The Theological Argument, 3:6–4:7
Example of Abraham, 3:6-9
Faith and Promise
The Blessing of Abraham
Curse of the Law, 3:10-14
Law and Faith
Christ and the Curse
Faith and Law in Judeo-Christian Tradition
Primacy of Promise, 3:15-18
The New Testament View of the Old Testament
A Christian View of the Old Testament Scriptures
Place of the Law, 3:19-24
Monotheism in Paul and the Old Testament
Life and Law
Rhetoric and Truth
The Law and Christians
Fulfillment in Christ, 3:25-29
Baptism in Paul
Equality Issues in Paul
Gender Issues in the Church
Freedom of God’s Children, 4:1-7
The Elements of the World
Early Christian Experience of the Gospel
The Elements of the World: Contemporary Relevance
The Application to the Galatians, 4:8-11
Knowledge and Faith

Part 2 (4:12–6:10): A Request: Obeying the Truth

Example of the Apostle, 4:12-20
Formation in Christ
Imitation in Paul
Discipleship and Life in Christ

A Scriptural Case for Corrective Action, 4:21-31
Allegorical Use of Scripture
Discipline among the People of God
Biblical Interpretation in the Life of the Church
Discipline in the Believers Church

Standing Fast in Freedom, 5:1-12
Freedom in Scripture
Indicative and Imperative
Grace and Perseverance
Servile and Filial Obedience
Faith Working through Love

Overcoming the Flesh by the Spirit, 5:13-24
Love as Ethical Norm
Spirit, Flesh, and the Human Will
Virtues of Community Formation
The Place of the Spirit in Christian Experience

Acting in Conformity to the Spirit, 5:25–6:10
Individual and Community
Community of Equality and Mutuality
+Mutual Aid and Benevolence

Conclusion to the Letter, 6:11-18
The Significance of the Cross
Creation Old and New
Cross and Discipleship
Conversion and New Creation

Outline of Galatians
The Faith of Jesus Christ
Judaism in the Time of Paul
Literary and Rhetorical Features of Galatians
Paul’s View of the Law in Galatians
Map of the New Testament World
Selected Resources
Index of Ancient Sources
The Author

Galatians by George Brunk III tracks the important role that this epistle of the Apostle Paul played in Christianity's shift from being a messianic sect within Judaism to a Gentile-dominated religious movement. As a sustained defense of Jesus Christ as the center of faith, the full unity and equality of Christ's followers, and the Spirit's empowerment in the life of the believer, Galatians holds both world-changing and personally transforming power for the contemporary church. Brunk's commentary, an important contribution to biblical studies, includes historical and cultural background; shares necessary theological, sociological, and ethical meanings; and, in general, makes "the rough places plain."

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