Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Message of Esther

222.907 FIR /1//1
Firth D. G., ;
The Message of Esther / David G. Firth . — Downers Grove : IVP Academic, ©2010. — 144 p.. — (The Bible Speaks Today). — ISBN 978-0-8308-2433-5
ДКД 222.907
ДКД 222.907
By any assessment, Esther is a rather strange book to find in the Bible. Not only is it, along with Daniel, the only book of the Bible to be set entirely outside of the Promised Land, it also shows no interest in that land. More than that, Esther is the only book in the Bible which definitely does not mention God. None of this should be taken as meaning that the book has no theological intention--on the contrary it has a developed theology, but it is a theology which operates precisely because it does not mention God directly. In this volume in the Bible Speaks Today commentary series, David Firth explores this paradoxically important book and its implications for our own contemporary context, where the reality of God's presence is experienced against a backdrop of God's relative anonymity and seeming absence.

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