Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Deliver Us From Evil, Restoring the Soul in a Disintegrating Culture

270.182 ZAC /1//2
Zacharias R., ;
Deliver Us From Evil : Restoring the Soul in a Disintegrating Culture / Ravi Zacharias. — Dallas; London : Word Publishing, 1996. — 234 p.. — ISBN 0-8499-1393-0
ДКД 270.182
ДКД 270.182
The ideas that once guided us have been assaulted, discredited and revised, leading to the unleashing of evil upon the world. As a result, the call for a moral society often seems more like a scream in the dark. This 13-part video series offers powerful ammunition for today's warfare of ideas. Ravi Zacharias shows how informed and empowered believers can change their world. With wise choices, we can contend for good, and our nation can be restored. But it is essential to understand that renewal begins in the individual human soul. We cannot hope to confront these divisive issues until we understand them in context. This series will help you gain timely focus and a unique clarity of vision.

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