Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

New Directions in Mission and Evangelization, Theological Foundation Volume 2

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Scherer J. A., Bevans S. B., ;
New Directions in Mission and Evangelization : Theological Foundation / James A. Scherer, Stephen B. Bevens. Volume 2. — Maryknoll, New York : ORBIS BOOKS, ©1994. — XIV+215 p.. — ISBN 0-88344-953-6
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A Word on Style
James A. Scherer and Stephen B. Bevans
Part I
The Nature of Mission
1. Christian Mission in the Americas
Orlando E. Costas
2. The Logic of Mission
Lesslie L. Newbigin
3. Thy Will be Done: Mission in Christ's Way
Anastasios of Androussa
4. The Exclusiveness of Jesus Christ
George Brunk, III
5. The Impact of Modern Ecclesiology n the Local Church
Charles Van Engen
6. Mission as Prophecy
Michael Amaladoss
7. The Vulnerability of Mission
David J. Bosch
8. Ministry and Mission: Christological Considerations
Jacob Kavunkal
Part II
Historical Background
9. From Wheaton to Lausanne
Efiong S. Utuk
10. Changes in Roman Catholic Atitudes toward Proselytism and Mission
Robert J. Schreiter
11. Evangelism in the WCC
Priscilla Pope-Levison
Part III
Missionary Praxis
12. Misionary Myth Making
Anthony J. Gittins
13. Seeing Mission through Images
Stephen B. Bevans
Part IV
The Study of Mission
14. Missiology as a Discipline and What It Includes
James A. Scherer
Part V
15. The whole Gospel from Latin America for All Peoples
Third latin America Congress on Evangelism (CLADE III), 1992
16. The Verdun Proclamation
Caribbean/African AmericanDialogue and the Caribbean Council of Churches, 1992
Two respected scholars bring together the best and most thought-provoking current articles on foundational issues in theology of mission, world Christianity, and the world church. The second volume in the New Directions in Mission and Evangelization series offers valuable contemporary resources for teaching, study and discussion.

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