Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Study of Evangelism, Exploring a Missional Practice of the Church

269.2 CHI /1//1
Chilcote P. W., Warner L. S., ;
The Study of Evangelism : Exploring a Missional Practice of the Church / Paul W. Chilcote, Laceye C. Warner . — Grand Rapids, Michigan : William. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, ©2008. — 458 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8028-0391-7
ДКД 269.2
ДКД 269.2


Defining the Ecclesial Practice and Theology of Evan-

1. Evangelism: Theological Currents and Cross-Currents Today
David J. Bosch

2. A Theology of Evangelism: The Heart of the Matter
William J. Abraham

3. Evangelism and the Gospel of Salvation
Orlando E. Costas

4. Evangelism in the Context of Secularization
Lesslie Newbigin

Biblical and Historical Sources for the Study of Evan-

5. Is There Biblical Warrant for Evangelism?
George R. Hunsberger
6. The Structure of Mission: An Exposition of Matthew 28:16-21
David J. Bosch

7. Women and Evangelism in the Early Church
Walter L. Liefeld

8. Evangelism and Contemporary American Life
Bill J. Leonard

9. Shifting Southward: Global Christianity since 1945
Dana L. Robert

The Study of Evangelism in the World of Theology

10. Evangelism and the Character of Christian Theology
Stephen K. Pickard

11. The Meaning of Evangelism in the Context of God’s Universal Grace
Carl E. Braaten

12. Incarnation and the Church’s Evangelistic Mission
Darrell L. Guder

13. Evangelism, Salvation, and Social Justice: Definitions and Interrelationships
Ronald J. Sider

The Study of Evangelism among the Ecclesial Practices

15. Evangelism and Discipleship: The God Who Calls, the God Who Sends
Walter Brueggemann
16. Evangelism, Evangelization, and Catechesis: Defining Terms and Making the
Case for Evangelization
John H. Westerhoff

17. The Integral Nature of Worship and Evangelism
Paul W. Chilcote

18. Evangelism: A Pastoral Theological Perspective
J. Patrick Vaughn

Evangelism in Diverse Ecclesiastical and Ecumenical Set-

19. Orthodox Concepts of Evangelism and Mission
Alexander Veronis

20. Religion of the People and Evangelism: A Pentecostal Perspective
Samuel Palma Manriquez

21. The Significance of Lausanne
John Stott

22. Toward Developing an Adequate and Comprehensive Understanding of
Jerry Persha

23. Unity and Mission: The Emerging Ecumenical Vision
Mercy Amba Oduyoye

Evangelistic Praxis in Diverse Cultural Contexts

24. Foolishness to the Greeks
Lesslie Newbigin

25. A Fresh Look at Evangelism in Africa
J. N. K. Mugambi

26. Strategic Issues in Missions — An Asian Perspective
Hwa Yung
27. Contextual Evangelization in Latin America: Between Accommodation and
Mortimer Arias

Continuing Conversations and New Trajectories in the Study of Evangelism

28. God’s Justice and Good News: Looking at the Intertwined Dynamics of Evan-
gelism and Antiracism
Otis Turnerorship, Evangelism, Ethics: On Eliminating the “And”
Letty M. Russell

30. Centripetal Mission, or Evangelization by Hospitality
Mortimer Arias

Christians and communities of faith today are rediscovering evangelism as an essential aspect of the church's mission. Many of the resulting books in the marketplace, however, have a hands-on orientation, often lacking serious theological engagement and reflection. Bucking that how-to trend,The Study of Evangelism offers thirty groundbreaking essays that plumb the depths of the biblical and theological heritage of the church with reference to evangelistic practice. Helpfully organized into six categories, these broad, diverse writings lay a solid scholarly foundation for meaningful dialogue about the church's practice of evangelism.

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