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Romans 9-16, Reformation Commentary on Scripture New Testament VIII

227.107 KRE /1//1
Krey P. D. W., Krey P. D. S., ;
Romans 9-16 : Reformation Commentary on Scripture / Philip D. W. Krey (Editor), Peter D. S. Krey (Editor) . New Testament VIII. — Downers Growe, Illinois : IVP Academic, ©2016. — 330 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8308-2971-2
ДКД 227.107
ДКД 227.107



A Guide to Using This Commentary

Pericopes of Scripture


Topical Headings

Identifying the Reformation Authors, Texts and Events

Footnotes and Back Matter

General Introduction



Historical Context

Patterns of Reformation
Schools of Exegesis

Reading Scripture with the Reformers

Introduction to Romans 9–16

On Predestination: “Before the Foundation of the World”

The Call of the Nations: “Branches Were Broken Off So That You Might Be -
Be -Graft- In”

Ministry of the Word: “Behold, I Have Put My Words in Your Mouth”

Christian Ethics: “Put On the Lord Jesus Christ”

Commentary on Romans 9–16

Prolegomena: Text, Theology and Traditions

Paul Turns His Attention to Questions of Election (of the Gentiles)

9:1-5 Paul Anguishes Over his Own People

9:1-2 The Truth in Christ About Predestination

9:3-4 The Vast and Glorious Riches of Earthly Israel

9:5 The God-Man Belongs to Israel
9:6-29 The Mystery of Election

9:6a The Word Cannot Return Void

9:6b-9 Children of God Through the Promise, Not Through the Flesh

9:10-12 God Works in Ways Abhorrent to Human Wisdom

9:13 Jacob I Loved, But Esau I Hated

9:14 Is God Unjust Then?

9:15-18 God Has Mercy on Whom He Will

9:19-21 How Can God Justly Condemn?

9:22-24 Vessels of Wrath and Mercy

9:25-26 Becoming God’s People

9:27-29 Only a Remnant

9:30–10:4 Righteousness Comes by Faith

9:30-31 Righteousness by Faith Versus by Law

9:32-33 The Salvific Stumbling Stone

10:1 Paul Deeply Desires the Salvation of the Jews

10:2-3 Zeal Without Knowledge

10:4 The Law’s Telos Is Christ

10:5-21 The Message of Salvation to All

10:5-7 The Distinction Between Moses’ Law and Christ’s

10:8-11 The Word Is Near; Believe!

10:12-13 The One True Lord Is Lord of All

10:14-15 The Beautiful Feet of the Gospel Envoy

10:16-17 Faith Comes by Hearing

10:18 Have They Heard?

10:19 Have They Understood?

10:20-21 God Still Waits

11:1-10 The Remnant of Israel

11:1-4 Has God Rejected His Own People?
11:5-6 All Election Is by Grace

11:7-10 The Mystery of Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility

11:11-24 Gentiles Grafted in

11:11-12 Paul Longs for the Full Inclusion of the Jews

11:13-16 By Ministering to the Gentiles Paul Ministers to the Jews

11:17-18 Branches Grafted In

11:19-21 If Natural Branches Have Been Lopped Off, How Much More the -
the -Graft- Branches!

11:22-24 The Kind and Just Gardener

11:25-36 The Mystery of Israel’s Salvation

11:25-28 The Paradox of Israel and the Nations

11:29-32 God’s Immutable and Unfathomable Election

11:33-35 The Depths and Heights of God’s Wisdom

11:36 The Ministry and Majesty of the Triune God

12:1-2 A Living Sacrifice

12:1a-b True Worship Is Sacrificial Living

12:1c What Is “Reasonable” Worship?

12:2 True Worship Transfigures Your Mind

12:3-8 Gifts of Grace

12:3 Focus on God’s Call, Not Your Worth

12:4-5 Christ’s Body Has Many (and Diverse) Members

12:6 The Analogy of Faith

12:7-8 Use Your Gifts for the Benefit of the Body

12:9-21 Marks of the True Christian

12:9-13 Be Diligent and Fervent in Love

12:14 Bless All People

12:15-16 Live in Harmony with Everyone

12:17-19 Vengeance Is the Lord’s Alone

12:20-21 Overcome Evil with Good
13:1-7 Submission to Authorities

13:1-2 All Authority Is from God

13:3-5 If You Do Good, What Worry Do You Have?

13:6-7 Pay What You Owe

13:8-14 Fufilling the Law Through Love

13:8-10 The Twofold Love of God and Neighbor Fulfills the Law

13:11-13 Arise! Walk in the Sunlight of the Gospel

13:14a Put On Christ and Become Whole

13:14b Guard Against the Flesh’s Desires

14:1-12 Do Not Pass Judgment on One Another

14:1-3 Imitate Your Father and Welcome the Weak and the Strong

14:4 God Alone Is Judge

14:5-6 Feasts and Fasts Only Have Meaning in the Lord

14:7-9 Jesus Is Lord Over Life and Death

14:10-12 Everyone Will Confess God as Just Judge

14:13-23 Do Not Cause Another to Stumble

14:13 Never Cause Fellow Believers to Stumble

14:14-16 Nothing Unclean in Christ

14:17-19 The Kingdom Is Joy and Peace, Not Gobbling and Guzzling

14:20-23 Do Not Act Against Faith and Conscience

15:1-7 The Example of Christ

15:1-3 As Christ Bore Us, So Must We Bear One Another

15:4 What Is Scripture For?

15:5-7 United in Christ for God’s Glory

15:8-13 Praise the Lord, All You Nations!

15:8-9a Christ’s Servanthood Confirms God’s Glory

15:9b-12 New Covenant Proclamation of the Old Covenant

15:13 The Holy Spirit’s Joyful Ministry and Power
15:14-21 A Minister of God’s Gospel

15:14 Satisfied with Complete Knowledge and Love

15:15-17 Ministers of the Gospel Wear Christ’s Ministerial Mantle

15:18-21 Seeing and Understanding Come Through Christ’s Word and Deed

15:22-33 Paul’s Peripatetic Plans

15:22-24 Thwarted Trips to Rome and the Spanish Mission

15:25-27 Collection for the Jerusalem Saints

15:28-29 The Mission to Spain

15:30-33 Prayer and Peace

16:1-16 Personal Greetings

16:1-2 How Do Women Minister?

16:3-4 Prisca and Aquila, Paul’s Cosufferers

16:5a What Is a Church?

16:5b-15 Various Greetings

16:16 The Holy Kiss of the Church

16:17-24 Final Instructions and Greetings

16:17-19 United and Innocent in Christ

16:20 Trample Satan

16:21-23 Paul’s Team: Timothy, Tertius and Gaius

16:24 Our Lord’s Grace and Blessing

16:25-27 Doxology

16:25 Strength in the Mystery of the Gospel

16:26 Full Revelation of the Hebrew Scripture’s Essence

16:27 The Only Wise God of Our Lord Jesus

Map of Europe at the Time of the Reformation

Timeline of the Reformation

Biographical Sketches of Reformation-era figures and -
and -

Sources for Biographical Sketches

Author and Writings Index

Subject Index

Scripture Index


Praise for the Reformation Commentary on Scripture

Reformation Commentary on Scripture Board of Advisers

Series Editors

Volume Editors

Reformation Commentary on Scripture

Writing to the early Christians in Rome, the apostle Paul said, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Rom 12:2 ESV). Perhaps more than any other New Testament epistle, Paul's letter to the Romans has been the focus of Christian reflection throughout the church's history, transforming the minds and convicting the hearts of believers. Sixteenth-century reformer Martin Luther reflected the church's longstanding emphasis on this portion of the canon: "Let the Epistle to the Romans be the door and the key to holy Scripture for you; otherwise you will never enter into a proper understanding and comprehension of the Bible." In this volume of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, Philip Krey and Peter Krey guide readers with care through a diversity of Reformation-era commentary on the second half of Paul's letter to the Roman church. Among the difficult issues addressed by Paul and commented on by early modern exegetes were the predestination of God's elect, the destiny of Israel, the role of Gentiles in salvation history, the ethical demands of the Christian life, and the Christian's relationship to the state. Here, readers will encounter familiar voices and discover lesser-known figures from a variety of theological traditions, including Lutherans, Reformed, Radicals, Anglicans, and Roman Catholics. The volume draws on a variety of resources, including commentaries, sermons, treatises, and confessions, much of which appears here for the first time in English. Gathering together these Reformation-era reflections, it provides resources for contemporary preachers, enables scholars to better understand the depth and breadth of Reformation biblical commentary and aids the ongoing transformation of the minds―and lives―of people today.

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