Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Jewish Themes in the New Testament, Yam Yisrael Chai

296.36 MOR /1//1
Morris P., ;
Jewish Themes in the New Testament : Yam Yisrael Chai / Paul Morris . — Milton Keynes : Paternoster, ©2013. — X+268 p. — ISBN 978-1-84227-821-5987-1-78078-309-3
ДКД 296.36
ДКД 296.36


Part 1
Privileges and Promises
1. Yahweh, the God of Israel
2. His People
3. For the Jew First
4. The Olive Tree
5. Debtors

Part 2
Hard Truths
6. Israel’s Unbelief
7. Kingdom: Then and Now
8. Wrath to the Uttermost
9. Talkers and Mutilators
10. Jewish Opposition to the Gospel

Part 3

Not Cast Away
11. The Compassion of Jesus for Israel
12. Paul’s Heart’s Desire and Prayer to God
13. Sin and Satan Defeated
14. I am of Peter: the Apostleship to the Circumcision
15. Provoking to Jealousy
16. One New Man from the Two
17. The Israel of God
18. Pay Attention!
19. Culturally Jewish
20. The Return to the Land

Part 4

The Triumph of Grace
21. And so All Israel Shall Be Saved

Subject Index

Scripture Index

This book outlines what the Bible teaches about the Jewish people and religion. Jewish Themes in the New Testament is an examination of what the New Testament teaches about the Jewish people in the era of the New Covenant. The core of that teaching is an affirmation of God's continued faithfulness to them. In a day when opinions regarding the Jewish people are increasingly polarised as some stress their position centre-stage and others consign them to the dustbin of history, this book seeks to demonstrate from the New Testament that both extremes are wrong. This unique book considers the theological issues, but it is concerned for much more; it is about Jewish people and the Jews as a people, as the New Testament sees them.

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