Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Task of Dogmatics, Explorations in Theological Method

230.01 CRI /1//1
Crisp O. D., Sanders E. P., ;
The Task of Dogmatics : Explorations in Theological Method / Oliver D. Crisp, Fred Sanders. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan Academic, ©2017. — 249 p.. — (Los Angeles Theology Conference). — ISBN 978-0-310-53549-2
ДКД 230.01
ДКД 230.01
Theologians often discuss method in a remote and preliminary way that suggests they are not yet speaking theologically when speaking methodologically. But it is also possible to reflect on the work of Christian dogmatics in a way that is self-consciously nourished by biblical reasoning, resourced by tradition, joined up with ecclesial practice, and alert to spiritual dynamics.
Bringing together theologians who are actively engaged in the writing and editing of extended dogmatics projects, The Task of Dogmatics represents the proceedings of the 2017 Los Angeles Theology Conference and seeks to provide constructive accounts of the nature of the dogmatic task.

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