Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Psalms | Interpretation, A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching

223.207 MAY /1//1
Mays J. L., ;
PsalmsInterpretation : A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching / Mays, James Luther . — Louisville : John Knox Press, ©1994. — 457 p.. — ISBN 0-8042-3115-X
ДКД 223.207
ДКД 223.207
The Psalms have been at the center of Christian faith and piety for centuries. Now, one of the foremost interpreters of the Psalms explores how they can still claim that place today. In this commentary, James L. Mays sets forth what the Psalms say about God, creation, humanity, and the life of faith. Mays proceeds with an awareness that the Psalms were originally composed for worship, and so he provides an understanding of the psalms as praise and prayer.

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