Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Befriending Truth, Quaker Perspectives Volume 2 Quakers and the Disciplines

289.6 DUD /2//1
Dudiak J., ;
Befriending Truth : Quaker Perspectives / Jeffrey Dudiak. Volume 2. Quakers and the Disciplines. — Longmeadow, MA : Full Media Services, ©2015. — 222 p.. — ISBN 099-6003363978-0-9960033-6-0
ДКД 289.6
ДКД 289.6
Befriending Truth: Quaker Perspectives is Volume 2 of the Friends Association for Higher Education’s “Quakers & the Disciplines” series. Truth, today, is a highly disputed notion, yet remains a central concern for Friends. This book is an exploration of the meaning and function of the complex notion of “truth” within Quaker life and thought, both historically, and in current practice. In this book a dozen Quaker scholars, from across the theological spectrum, and from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, contribute their voices to this important discussion. Royalties from Befriending Truth (Q&D 2), Quaker Perspectives in Higher Education (Q&D 1), and all other books in the “Quakers & the Disciplines” series, will accrue to support the Friends Association for Higher Education’s ongoing publishing efforts.

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