Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Prayer As A Place, Spirituality That Transforms

248.3 BEL /1//1
Bello C. A., ;
Prayer As A Place : Spirituality That Transforms / Charles Bello . — Choctaw, Co : HGM Publishing, ©2008. — 176 c.. — ISBN 978-0-9679781-4-7
ДКД 248.3
ДКД 248.3
Prayer as a Place is an invitation to partner with Christ as he leads the believer into the dark places of his or her own heart. Thu purpose of this journey is to bring holiness and wholeness to the child of God. With candor and brutal honesty, pastor Charles Bello shares his own reluctance, and then resolve, to follow Christ on this inward journey. In sharing his story, readers gain insight into what their own personal journeys may look like. Prayer as a Place reads like a roadmap as it explores the contemporary use of contemplative prayer as a means of following Christ inward.

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