Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Changing Face of World Missions , Engaging Contemporary Issues and Trends

266.0090511 POC /1//1
Pocock M., Van Rheenen G., McConnell D., ;
The Changing Face of World Missions : Engaging Contemporary Issues and Trends / by Michael Pocock (Author), Gailyn Van Rheenen (Author), Douglas McConnell (Author) . — Grand Rapid, Michigan : Baker Academic, ©2005. — 391 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8010-2661-4
ДКД 266.0090511
ДКД 266.0090511


Part 1 The Global Context
1 Globalization: New York’s in New Delhi, Manila’s in Los Angeles
2 Changing Demographics: The Impact of Migration, HIV/AIDS, and Children at
3 Religionquake: From World Religions to Multiple Spiritualities
4 The Changing Basis of Knowledge: From Modernity to Postmodernity

Part 2 The Missional Context
5 The Disappearing Center: From Christendom to Global Christianity
6 Changing Motivations for Missions: From “Fear of Hell” to “the Glory of God”
7 Increasing Awareness of Spiritual Power: The Spiritual Warfare Orientation to
8 Innovation in Mission Operations: Creative-Access Platforms

Part 3 The Strategic Context
9 Working Together: Beyond Individual Efforts to Networks of Collaboration
10 The Changing Uses of Money: From Self-support to International Partnership
11 The Impact of New Technologies: Life in the Virtual World and Beyond
12 Contextualization: From an Adapted Message to an Adapted Life

Reference List
Contributing Authors
The dramatic changes that have taken place both in global society and in the church have implications for how the church does missions in the twenty-first century. These trends include the rise of postmodernism, the spiritual decline in the West and the advance of the gospel in the rest of the world, and the impact of technology on society and missions.
The Changing Face of World Missions is for the mission-minded church leader or lay person who wants to understand these trends. Each chapter identifies and evaluates a trend, examines it in light of Scripture, and proposes a practical response. Important terms are defined, and sidebars help readers think through the issues on their own.

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