Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Triumph of Christianity, How the Jesus Movement Became the World's Largest Religion

270 STA /1//1
Stark R., ;
The Triumph of Christianity : How the Jesus Movement Became the World's Largest Religion ; Stark, Rodney . — New York : Harper one , ©2011. — 506 p. . — ISBN 978-0-06-200769-8
ДКД 270
ДКД 270

Title Page

PART I - Christmas Eve
Chapter One - The Religious Context
Chapter Two - Many Judaisms

PART II - Christianizing the Empire
Chapter Three - Jesus and the Jesus Movement
Chapter Four - Missions to the Jews and the Gentiles
Chapter Five - Christianity and Privilege
Chapter Six - Misery and Mercy
Chapter Seven - Appeals to Women
Chapter Eight - Persecution and Commitment
Chapter Nine - Assessing Christian Growth

PART III - Consolidating Christian Europe
Chapter Ten - Constantine’s Very Mixed Blessings
Chapter Eleven - The Demise of Paganism
Chapter Twelve - Islam and the Destruction of Eastern and North African Christianity
Chapter Thirteen - Europe Responds

PART IV - Medieval Currents
Chapter Fourteen - The “Dark Ages” and Other Mythical Eras
Chapter Fifteen - The People’s Religion
Chapter Sixteen - Faith and the Scientific “Revolution”

PART V - Christianity Divided
Chapter Seventeen - Two “Churches” and the Challenge of Heresy
Chapter Eighteen - Luther’s Reformation
Chapter Nineteen - The Shocking Truth About the Spanish Inquisition

PART VI - New Worlds and Christian Growth
Chapter Twenty - Pluralism and American Piety
Chapter Twenty-One - Secularization
Chapter Twenty-Two - Globalization
About the Author
Also by Rodney Stark
About the Publisher
Celebrated religious and social historian Rodney Starktraces the extraordinary rise of Christianity through its most pivotal andcontroversial moments to offer fresh perspective on the history of the world’slargest religion. In The Triumph of Christianity, the author of God’sBattalions and The Rise of Christianity gathers and refines decadesof powerful research and discovery into one concentrated, concise, and highlyreadable volume that explores Christianity’s most crucial episodes. The uniqueformat of Triumph of Christianity allows Stark to avoid densechronologies and difficult back stories, bringing readers right to the heart ofChristian history’s most vital controversies and enduring lessons.

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