Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Transformative Encounters, The Intervention of God in Christian Counseling and Pastoral

259 APP /1//1
Appleby D. W., Ohlschlager G. W., ;
Transformative Encounters : The Intervention of God in Christian Counseling and Pastoral / David W. Appleby, George Ohlschlager. — Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, ©2013. — 388 p.. — ISBN 978-0-8308-2822-7
ДКД 259
ДКД 259

Praying the Scriptures Within Cognitive/Behavioral/Systems Therapy

Developing a Transformative Spiritual/Clinical Process

Assessment Phase

Transformative Spiritual Intervention

Keys to Beginning the Process

Cognitive/Behavioral/Relational Therapy

Aftercare Phase


References and Recommended Resources

About the Author

About the Editors

Transformative Encounters

What would it mean for Christian counseling and pastoral care to take seriously the idea that God intervenes in the world? What would it look like for therapists and pastors to see themselves as opening the door to a miraculous divine encounter? How would counseling change if the intervention of God was not merely a theoretical idea but a lived experience? In this volume more than twenty of the best pastoral counselors, clinicians, and counselor educators introduce us to the models that they use to integrate the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit into their daily practice. They share with us what Christ-infused counseling looks like. Divided into three sections: Transformative Encounters Done in Church, Transformative Paradigms for Church or Clinic, and Transformative Interventions for Clinical Practice, it is a perfect mix for any student or counselor who wants to review counseling practices that bring about lasting psycho-spiritual change in the here and now. Some of the topics discussed in the book include:
Inner healing
Prayer ministry
Christian holism
Contemplative prayer
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Emotion-focused therapy
Group therapy
Visualization and EMDR
Life coaching
This book seeks to inform students, pastoral counselors, clinicians, and counselor educations of the variety of methodologies that are available to those seeking this kind of God-encountering, Christ-centered ministry of miraculous change.

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