Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Thank God Its Thursday, Encountering Jesus at the Lord's Table As If for the Last Time

226.506 WIL /1//1
Willimon W. H., ;
Thank God Its Thursday : Encountering Jesus at the Lord's Table As If for the Last Time / Willimon, William H. . — Nashville : Abingdon Press, ©2013. — X p. + 110 p.. — ISBN 978-1-4267-4337-5
ДКД 226.506
ДКД 226.506
Thank God It’s Thursday is the prequel to bestselling author Will Willimon’s highly successful, Thank God It’s Friday. Following the book of John, Will Willimon focuses on the Jesus’ teaching of his disciples prior to his own death but also before their own hour of decision. The climax of the Gospel is when Jesus pours out his life on the cross—surely an enactment and demonstration of the power of God’s self-sacrificial love.

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