Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

A Survey of World Missions

266 HAD /1//1
Hadaway R. D. , ;
A Survey of World Missions / Hadaway, Robin Dale. — Nashville, Tennessee : B&H Academic, ©2020. — XIII p. + 338 p. . — ISBN 978-1-4627-7043-4
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
1. Introduction
2. The Biblical Basis of Missions
3. The Theological Foundation of Missions
4. The Historical Foundation of Missions
5. World Religions
6. Culture and Worldview
7. Contextualization
8. Philosophy of Missions
9. Missions Strategy and Methods
10. The Missionary
11. Conclusion: The Future of Twenty-First-Century
Appendix A: Baptism
Appendix B: Ecclesiology
Name Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index
Reflecting thorough scholarship and decades of ministry experience, Robin Hadaway’s A Survey of World Missions examines the biblical, theological, and historical foundations of missions, as well as issues of culture and worldview, contextualization, philosophy, and mission strategy. The book is designed to assist pastors, students, missionaries, and theologians in developing sound theory and praxis for both the international and North American mission field. Through his use of field illustrations and key questions, Hadaway achieves a conversational tone, making this textbook ideal for use in both academic and lay settings.

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