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Scattered and Gathered, A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology

266 TIR.S /1//1
Tira S. J., Yamamori T., ;
Scattered and Gathered : A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology / Sadiri Joy Tira, Tetsunao Yamamori . — Carlisle. Cumbria : ‎Langham Global Library, ©2020. — 680 p. . — ISBN 978-1-78368-764-0
ДКД 266
ДКД 266

Preface to the Revised Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Section 1
Phenomenological Realities and Trends of Global Diaspora
Trends and Realities of Global Migration and Diasporas An Introduction
1 Globalization, Diasporas, Urbanization and Pluralism in the Twenty-First Century
A Compelling Narrative for the Missio Dei?
Global Migration and Diasporas: Some Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects
Demographic Movements (Focusing on Migration and Diasporas) over Space
and Time Viewed from Both Diachronic (over Time) and Synchronic (at a Given
Point in Time) Perspectives
Global and Regional Migration and Diasporas: Recent Historical Developments
and Trends
Migration and Diaspora Routes, Refugee Flows and Human Trafficking: Its Dark
Migration, Diasporas and Demographic Change: Its Key Role as a Major “Driving
Factor” in Accelerating Globalization, Urbanization, and the Emergence of
Megacities and a Pluralistic Polity, Economy, Society, Culture, and Religion
Migration, Diaspora and the Historical-Geographical Spread of Religious Beliefs
and Faith Traditions
Unpacking the Significance of Migrations and Diasporas for the Missio Dei, the
“End of History” and the Ushering in of God’s Kingdom
Ecclesiological, Missiological, Eschatological and Pastoral Perspectives on the
Diaspora Phenomenon As It Interfaces with Globalization, Urbanization and Plu-
For Discussion
2 Migration, Diasporas, and Diversity A Demographic Approach
Religious Freedom
Data Sources
Resolving Apparently Contradictory Data
Taxonomies of Religions and Peoples
Religious Diasporas
Host and Sending Countries
Peoples in Diaspora
Religionists in Diaspora
Migration as One Component of Religious Change
Religious Diversity
Fo3 Global Agenda – Global Theology? The Regulation of Migration and Global Dias-
A Personal Testimony
William Carey and the East India Company
What This Chapter Seeks to Do
Global Organizations Tasked with the Responsibility to Regulate and Manage the
Movement of Migrants
Regional Organizations Tasked with the Responsibility to Regulate and Manage
the Movement of Migrants
Diaspora Missiology and International Law
The Integration of Migrant Workers in Diaspora Situations
The Human Rights of the Migrant
Economic Considerations and Regulations
Anti-Corruption Regulation and Control
The Securitization of Migration Policy and Border Control
The Regulation of Family Reunion, Adoption, and Cross-Border Marriage
What Is a Diaspora Missiology to Make of the Regulation of Migrants and Chris-
tians in Diaspora?
Concluding Comments
For Discussion
4 Responding to the Phenomenon of Migration Early Proponents of Diaspora
Missiology and the Lausanne Movement
“Kinetic” Mission Theologies and Practices: Missiological Implications from
Cape Town to “Beyond”
Future Prospects
For Discussion
Section 2
Biblical and Theological Foundation for Diaspora Missi-
Bible, Theology, and Diaspora An Introduction
5 Diaspora and Mission in the Old Testament
Migration: Central to the Biblical Narrative
Mission for and in Diaspora
Law, Diaspora Missions, and Immigrant Advocacy
For Discussion
6 From Opportunity to Mission Scattering for the Gospel in the New Testament
The Diaspora Setting of the New Testament Story
The Diaspora Jews in the New Testament Story
The Diaspora Conflicts in the New Testament Storyr Discussion
7 God, Israel, the Church and the Other Otherness as a Theological Motif in Dias-
pora Mission
God and Otherness
Israel and Otherness
Christ and Otherness
The Church and Otherness
Ministry and Otherness
For Discussion
8 Pilgrims on a Journey Diaspora and Mission
A Tale of Three Journeys: Creation, Fall, and Redemption
Redeeming Diaspora
Diaspora and the New Testament
Diaspora and the Early Church
Diaspora and Mission in Our Modern Pluralistic, Multicultural World
For Discussion
9 Mission to and from Diaspora Influencing the Context for Mission
Biblical Underpinnings
Illustrations from New Zealand Experience
Emergence of Voices and Mission from the Diaspora
Conclusive Remarks
For Discussion
Section 3
Towards Strategic Directions for Diaspora Missions
Towards Strategic Directions for Diaspora Missions An Introduction
10 Local Churches in Missional Diasporas
The Church as the Means
The Professing of the Local Church
The Local Church and Diaspora Mission
The Local Church and Parachurch Organizations
The Roles of the Local Church in Diaspora Mission
Local Church Ministry: Seven Options in Missional Diasporas
For Discussion
11 Unleashing Great Commission Potential through International Churches
The Missional International Church
Strategic Expressions of the Missional IC Unleashing the Great Commission
For Discussion
Events, conferences, consultations and meetings attended that have influenced
most of my thinking.
12 Strategies for Reaching Refugees
Biblical Basis for Refugee Ministry
Serving Refugees with a Right Understanding
Advocacy for Their Rights and Long-Term Solutions
Approaches in Reaching Refugees
Practical Ideas for Reaching Refugees
Equipping and Engaging Churches and Believers
For Discussion
13 Diaspora Missions on the High Seas
Origins of the World’s Seafarers
Living in Floating Prisons
Reaching the Seafarers with the Gospel
Planting Floating Churches on Ships
Maximizing the Potential on and beyond the Ships
For Discussion
14 Agents of Diaspora Missions in and from the Academic World
Introduction: Definition and Historical Context
International Student Mobility: Global Trends and Strategic Implications
Strategic Value of Diaspora Missions “to” Internationals of the Academic Envi-
Diaspora Missions “through” and “beyond” Internationals from the Academic
Response to a Strategic Reality
For Discussion
Some ISM websites
15 Business as Mission (BAM) to, in, and through Diaspora
Business as Mission (BAM)
To, in, and through Diaspora
The Integration of BAM and Diaspora Missions
For Discussion
BibContexts and Reasons for Children’s Mobility
Biblical Framework
Issues, Challenges, and Missional Opportunities
For Discussion
17 Technology and Diaspora
Technology Is an Indispensable Means of Interaction for the Diaspora
Technology Serves the Diaspora Peoples in Multiple Ways
Technology Is an Effective Tool in Discipling Diaspora Peoples
Technology Should Be Used in Moderation
For Discussion
Section 4
The Mission of the Church in Global Diaspora
The Mission of the Church in Global Diaspora An Introduction
18 A Cross for the Scattered Cruciform Spirituality for the Church on Mission
among Diasporas
Scenes from the Scattered
Contemplating the Lord of This Harvest
Pursuing Cruciformity in Diaspora Mission
First Movement: From My Place to His Place – Moving from Centripetal Tenden-
cies to Embraced Centrifugality
Second Movement: From My Plan to His Plan – Moving from Competing Agen-
das and Contingencies to a Prevailing Consciousness of God’s Diasporic Pur-
Third Movement: From My Pleasure to His Pleasure – Moving from Convenient
Mission to Mission as Calling
Fourth Movement: From My People to His People – Moving from Cultural Cling-
ing to Contextualization
For Discussion
19 Making Ends Meet Embracing Opportunities for Diaspora Mission from
Churches at the Margins
Poverty – Its Unsettling Truths
Barriers to Sacrificial Living
Biblically Oriented Ways of Living
Portraits of Hope
For Discussion
20 Trends and Issues of the Korean Diaspora Churches in the USA
The Korean Diaspora Churches’ Growth and Expansionliography
Areas of Concern and Challenge for the Korean Diaspora Churches in the USA
Areas of Strength and Opportunity for the Korean Diaspora Churches
Missiological Implications
For Discussion
21 Prayer and Power from the South African Diaspora Churches on Mission
Introduction: The North Needs Jesus Christ
The “Otherness” of African Diaspora Churches
African Christianity Encountering Western Secularization
The African Diaspora Church as an Apostolic Body
Retrieving the Stolen: African Diaspora Church on Mission
Incarnation as a Missionary Model for African Diaspora Churches
Power from Nigeria to Ukraine: A Case of African Diaspora Church on Mission
Conclusion: Singing the Songs of the Lord in a Foreign Land
For Discussion
22 Diaspora Family Immigrant Church as a Family and Missional Families in Dias-
Diaspora Families
Family Life in Diaspora
Missional Family
For Discussion
23 The Mission of the Church through Understanding and Pursuing Intercultural
Theological Framework for Intercultural Unity
Practical Implications of Intercultural Unity
For Discussion
24 The Church and the Soul of Singapore An Eschatological Vision for Mission in
Global Cities
Introduction: Singapore as a Global City
Urban Culture and Rooted Cosmopolitanism
The Church and the Soul of the City
Biblical Examples of Engagement in Urban Contexts
Vision of the Church as an Eschatological Community
Individuals in the City: Encountering the Other
For Discussion
Section 5
Regional and National Case Studies in Diaspora Missions
Definition of Terms
World Jewish Population
Diaspora Jewry Missiological Trends
Messianic Congregational Ministry
Case Study: Persian Congregations in California
Case Study: Outreach to Israeli Post-Army Trekkers
Case Study: Jewish-Gentile Couples Find Spiritual Harmony
For Discussion
26 The Chinese Diaspora Church and Cross-Cultural Mission
Chinese Churches across the Globe
Statistics on the Chinese Missionary Force
Strengths and Challenges
Providential Scattering
For Discussion
27 Transnational Ties of Indian Churches in the Arabian Gulf Kerala Pentecostal
Churches in Kuwait
Migration to the Arabian Gulf
Diaspora Churches and Migrant Christianity
Transnational Ecclesial Ties
Pentecostal Churches in Kuwait
For Discussion
28 Korean Diaspora Ministries
Beginnings of a Movement
Korean Christianity Worldwide
Special Populations
Multidirectional Ministry
For Discussion
29 From São Paulo to Al-Alam Arab (The Arab World) The Brazilian Evangelical
Missions Movement
A Brief Narrative of Brazilian Missions
Brazilian Mission Practice
Strengths and Weaknesses
What Is Evangelical?
For Discussion
30 Latino Diaspora Ministries in the USA
Ten Generations
Facing Goliaths
Latino Theologies
Immigration and the Law
Revitalizing America
For Discussion
31 African Diaspora Christianity Mother Cooper and New York City
A House of Prayer in New York City
Pilgrimages: A Mountain and a Mission
African Immigrants and African Americans
African Christianity: A Global Phenomenon
Church of Pentecost
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Africans and the Ephesian Moment
For Discussion
32 Iranian Diaspora Ministry
Iranian Awakening
Leaders and Members
Worship and Prayer
Baptism and Asylum Claims
Islam Is Not the Focus
Pride and Reconciliation
For Discussion
Section 6
Issues in Global Diaspora Missiology
Issues in Global Diaspora Missiology An Introduction
33 Welcoming the Stranger A Case Study of an International Church in Malta
The Case of a Migrant Church
Global Implications
The Focus of Missio Dei
The Attitude of Kenosis
The Practice of Reciprocity
For Discussion
34 (Sub)Mission A Case Study on the Complexities of Political and Prophetic Ac-
tion in Migrant Detention
Context: The Problematic Nature of Migrant Detention
Religious Expression as Kenotic Posture
Political Action: Agency in the Subversion of Everyday Encounters
Prophetic Action: Dehumanizing Totalitarianism and Humanizing Dissent
For Discussion
35 Trauma as Mission A Case Study Response to the Scourge of Sex Trafficking
Summary of the Case
Response to Training, Ongoing Needs
For Discussion
Migration and World Christianity
Migration, Materialism, and Brain Drain
The Example of Lighthouse Chapel International
Missiological Implications
For Discussion
37 Transnationalism, Identity, and Virtual Space A Case Study of One Woman’s At-
tempt to Negotiate Two Worlds
The Story of Miriam
Missiological Implications of Miriam’s Story
For Discussion
38 Holistic Care A Case Study of Heart for Lebanon’s Unique Role in the Syrian
Refugee Crisis
Background of the Syrian Conflict and Syrian Refugee Community in Lebanon
Summary of the Holistic Care among Refugees
Missiological Effects of Holistic Ministry among the Diaspora
For Discussion
39 Overcoming Destitution in Diaspora Ministry A Case Study of There Is Hope
There Is Hope Malawi
The Beginning
The Call
The Message
The Unique Mission
The Take-Away
For Discussion
40 Taking Care of the Flock A Case Study of the Role of the Local Church in Send-
ing and Caring for Overseas Filipino Workers
Important Characteristics of Ryan and Angel’s Experience
Implications of Ryan and Angel’s Story for Diaspora Missions
Model Churches in the Philippines
Missiological Implications
For Discussion
41 When the New Believers Return Home A Case Study of Christian Returnees to
The Story of John and Lucy
The Realities Facing John and Lucy
The Context to Which John and Lucy Would Return
What Happened When John and Lucy Returned?
Lessons to Learn
For Discussion
42 Crossing the Divide A Case Study of a Western Mission Agency’s Encounter
with Diaspora Missions
The Need for Deep Change
For Discussion
Section 7
Glossary, Appendices, and Ministry Resources
Glossary, Appendices, and Ministry Resources An Introduction
Appendix A The Baguio Challenge
Filipino Theological Educators Consultation, Filipino International Network,
Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines, 4–6 January
Appendix B The Seoul Declaration on Diaspora Missiology
LCWE Diaspora Educators Consultation 2009, Torch Trinity Graduate School of
Theology, Seoul, South Korea
November 11–14, 2009
We Acknowledge
We Affirm
We Appeal
Appendix C Far East Asia Diaspora Educators’ Resolutions
Far East Asia Diaspora Educators Consultation, Manila, Philippines, August
12–13, 2011
We commit to:
Appendix D North America Diaspora Educators’ Resolution
Chicago, Illinois, September 20, 2012
Appendix E Diaspora Missiology Educators Consultation Singapore Resolution
We met in Singapore on 2–5 March 2016 with the following objectives:
In light of our deliberations on the above topics, we hereby make the following
Appendix F The Manila Statement on Hybridity and Diaspora Missions
Appendix G The Cape Town Commitment
Part II – For the World We Serve: The Cape Town Call to Action
Appendix H Global Mission Networks and Intercultural Unity
Asia Evangelical Alliance (
Association of Evangelicals in Africa (
Ethnic America Network (
European Evangelical Alliance (
The Lausanne Movement (
Additional Resources
List of Contributors
About Global Diaspora Network
About Langham Partnership

The twenty-first century is marked by mass migration. Massive population movements of the last century have radically challenged our study and practice of mission. Where the church once rallied to go out into "the regions beyond," Christian mission is currently required to respond and adapt to "missions around." As a result, leaders in this field have been developing diaspora missiology to provide a missiological framework for understanding and participating in God's redemptive mission among peoples living outside their places of origin. In this volume, experts in diaspora missiology from across the globe analyze the development of missions to migrants and add to our understanding of the contemporary church's opportunities and responsibilities for mission amongst diaspora groups.

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