Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Colossians, A Short Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary

227.707 THI /1//1
Thiselton A.C., ;
Colossians : A Short Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary / Thiselton, Anthony C. . — Eugene, Oregon : CASCADE Books, ©2020. — IX p. + 127 p.. — ISBN 978-1-7252-5852-5
ДКД 227.707
ДКД 227.707
In this clear, practical, and brief commentary, Anthony Thiselton brings to bear his intimate knowledge of Paul's theology, the ancient city of Colossae, and Paul's epistle to the church of that city. The commentary offers a new translation from the Greek, and explorations of an exegetical as well as a pastoral and practical nature on all passages of the book. Each section concludes with questions for further reflection.

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