Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

A Vast Minority, Church and Mission in a Plural Culture

261.1 MUR /1//1
Murray S., ;
A Vast Minority : Church and Mission in a Plural Culture / Murray, S.. — Milton Keynes : Paternoster Press, ©2015. — XIII p. + 181 p. . — ISBN 978-1-84227-837-6
ДКД 261.1
ДКД 261.1

1. Minority Report
2. Minorities and Majorities
3. Adjusting and Embracing
4. Sustaining and Resourcing
5. A Creative Minority
6. A Prophetic Minority
7. A Hopeful Minority
Select Bibliography
Stuart Murray accepts the fact that Christians are now members of a minority religious community in a plural society, but suggests that this changed status raises questions. How is this diminished status to be understood in a global and historical context and within the purposes of God? What institutional changes are required if the Christian community is to operate with much more limited resources? What psychological and emotional adjustments are needed in communities that have a corporate memory of majority status, privilege and influence but now experience life as a minority? What hopes and expectations should be encouraged, and what strategies should be adopted? In a unique, positive and biblical way, A Vast Minority explores the challenges and opportunities we face today.

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