Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Controversy, Roots of the Creation-Evolution Conflict

231.765 CHI /1//1
Chittick D. E. , ;
The Controversy : Roots of the Creation-Evolution Conflict / Chittick, Donald E. . — Portland, Oregon : Multnomah Press, ©1984. — 280 p. . — (A Critical Concern Book). — ISBN 0-88070-178-1
ДКД 231.765
ДКД 231.765
Origins is a timeless topic. Studies in anthropology have shown us that even in ancient times man has been interested in his beginnings. His view of his beginnings explains to him who he is, what place he holds in the universe--and the meaning of life itself. The creation-evolution controversy is far more than simple disagreement over a few scientific facts. It is rooted in deep philosophical differences. Donald Chittick demonstrates how the basic opposing assumptions of theism (a Creator acted) and naturalism (A Creator did not act) inevitably lead to different conclusions about the beginning of the universe and man. He deals with many of the perplexing questions about the problems of creation-evolution. Questions like: How old is the earth? Where do dinosaurs fit into the history of the earth? How accurate is radioactive dating? Using the biblical assumption that the Creator did indeed act, Chittick shows that creation science is a credible alternative to evolutionary theory.

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