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Transformation after Lausanne, Radical Evangelical Mission in Global-Local Perspective

266 TIZ /1//1
Tizon A., ;
Transformation after Lausanne : Radical Evangelical Mission in Global-Local Perspective / Tizon Al. — Oxford : Regnum Books Internetional , ©2008. — XVII p. + 281 p. . — (Regnum Studies in Mission). — ISBN 978-1-870345-68-2
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
What is an Evangelical?
What is a Radical Evangelical?
Lausanne I and Mission as Transformation
Transformation: The Development of the Term
Mission as Transformation and David Bosch
Mission in Context as Transformation
Mission as Transformation in Filipino Context
The Global and the Local
Transformation between the Global and Local
Part I: A History
Introduction to Part 1
Chapter 1: Evangelical Concern and Mission Prior to
Lausanne I: Roots of Transformation
Social Concern and Evangelism Look Back
A Twentieth Century Phenomenon
Factors in the Great Reversal
The Fundamentalist-Modernist Debate and Protestant Missions
Evangelicals versus Ecumenicals
Evangelical Diversity in Missionary Social Ethics
Evangelical Relief and Development Ministries after World War Two
Evangelical Missionary Humanitarism
Evangelicals toward Development
Increasing Need for a Theology of Development
Chapter 2: Lausanne 74 to Wheaton 83: Internal Tensions
Lausanne 74
Affirmation of Socio-Political Involvement at Lausanne
The Statement on Radical Discipleship
Radical Discipleship as Precursor to Transformation
Tensions from Within: Evangelical Social Concern after Lausanne
Narrow View vs. Broad View
Prioritization vs. Holism
First World Theology vs. Two Thirds World Theology
Chapter 3: Liberation Theology and Transformation: External Tension
Tension from Without: The Challenge of Liberation Theology
What Is It?
Liberation Missiology?
A Radical Evangelical Response
Wheaton 83: Toward an Evangelical Theology of Liberation
Three-in-One Consultation
Track III: The Church in Response to Human Need
From Development (and Liberation) to Transformation
Chapter 4: After Wheaton 83: Structural and Theological Developments
Implementing Structures
The International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians
Oxford Centre for Mission Studie
Publishing Initiativas: Transformation, Regnum Books, and Others
Bridges: Participation in Lausanne - Sponsored and WCC Gatherings
Theological Developmens in Mission as Transformation
Loca and Global Culture: Mission in Context as
Faith and Money: Toward Transformational Economics
(W) Holistic Mission: Toward a Truer Integration
The Power of the Holy Spirit for Holistic Mission:
A radical Pentecostal Contribution
Part II: Global Dimensions
Introduction to Part II
Chapter 5: The Biblical Kingdom
The Role of the Bible in Mission as Transformation
The Bible: The Inspired story of the Kingdom of God
The Bible: Kingdom Text for Holistic Mission in Context
The Kingdom Story in the Old Testament
Shalom and Fall
Redemption through Peoplehood
Messianic Hope
The Kingdom Story in the New Testament
Jesus Christ: he King Has Come/The Kingdom Has Dawned
The Holy Spirit: Life and Power While the Kingdom Community Awaits
Eschatology: The Certainty of God's Future/ The Practice of Hope
Chapter 6: Kingdom Missionin between the Times
Kingdom Untegration
Word, Work and Wonder
Reconsiliation/Solidarity and Stewardship
Communities of Integration: Where Present and Future Meet
Kingdom Incarnation
Mission in Context
Full Contextual Engagement
Local Faith
Kingdom Commitment to the Poor
Mision as Journey with, for and among the Poor
Freedom and power through Personhood
Part III: Local Filipino Dimensions
Introduction to Part III
Chapter 7: Filipino Mission as Transformation in Global an Historical Context
Global Theological Links
Kingdom Integration
Kingdom Incarnation
Kingdom Commitment to the Poor
Filipino Mission as Transformatio in Loal Historical Context
Beginnings: From IVCF-Phil to ISACC
Filipuno People Power
Evangelical Participation and Emerging Mission as Transformation
Transformationists in the Filipino Evangelical Community
Chapter 8: Kingdom Mission beyond Colonialism
Resistance and Subversion from the Beginning
Critical Consciousness
A Prophetical Ministry
Nationalistic or Loal Faith
Whole Being/Whole Ministry
Theology of Beauty
Spirit World Cosmology
Church Unity with a Purpose
Across Church Forms
Across Denominations
Mass Movements: Mobilizing the Poor
Religious Validation and Inspiration
Solidarity and Empowerment
Part IV: Missiological Glocalization

Introduction to Part IV
Chapter 9: Glocal Dimensions: Partnership in Mission in the Twenty First Century
Mission as Transformation between the Global and the Local
The Local in the Global: Globalization from Below
The Global in the Local: Pan-Localization from Above
Glocal Dimensions od Mission as Transformation
Orthodox and Contextual
Incarnational Dialogue
Post-Colonial Reconciliation
Collaborative Action
Issues for Further xploration
A Final Word on Methodology
The Globalization of the Gospel: Challenging the Giant Redwood
The Mustard Seed in the Philippines
Appendix 1: Statement on Radical Discipleship at Lausanne 74
Appendix 2: Wheaton 83Statement on Transformation
Appendix 3 : ISACC - Who We Are
Select Bibliography
Name Index
Subject Index

Lausanne '74 (the First International Congress on World Evangelization) inspired evangelicals around the world to take seriously the full implications of the gospel for mission. This was especially true of a worldwide network of radical evangelical mission theologians and practitioners, whose post-Lausanne reflections found harbor in the notion of "Mission as Transformation." This missiology integrated evangelism and social concern like no other, and it lifted up theological voices coming from the Two-Thirds World to places of prominence. This book documents the definitive gatherings, theological tensions, and social forces within and beyond evangelicalism that led up to Mission as Transformation. And it does so through a global-local grid that points the way toward greater holistic mission in the twenty-first century.

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