Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The Common Made Holy

234.8 AND /1//1
Anderson N. T., Saucy R. L., ;
The Common Made Holy / Neil T. Anderson, Robert L. Saucy. — Eugene, Oregon : Harvest House Publishers, ©1997. — 399 p. . — ISBN 1-56507-290-1
ДКД 234.8
ДКД 234.8
Neil Anderson, author of the bestselling Bondage Breaker, teams up with Robert Saucy to present an extraordinary book on how Christ transforms the life of a believer. At the moment of salvation, all our sins are forgiven--past, present and future. Christ's righteousness becomes ours. Here, the authors help resolve the confusion about our perfect identity in Christ and our imperfect living in the world.

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