Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Woman, Man, and God in Modern Islam

305.697 FRI /1//1
Friend T., ;
Woman, Man, and God in Modern Islam / Friend, Theodore. — Grand Rapids, Michigan : Willian B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, ©2012. — 378 p. . — ISBN 978-0-8028-6673-8
ДКД 305.697
ДКД 305.697
Anxious Christians aims to be of value to anyone who suffers from the many forms of anxiety, depression, phobias, stress or just plain worry. Embracing a professional psychological approach to these conditions, it nevertheless upholds the concept of sin. Yet unlike some Christian counselling advocates, it does not limit the cause of these distressing symptoms to the individual's 'strength' or 'weakness' in faith and prayer.

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