Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

MissionShift, Global Mission Issues in the Third Millennium

266 MIS /1//1
Hesselgrave D. J. , Stetzer E., ;
MissionShift : Global Mission Issues in the Third Millennium / David Hesselgrave, Ed Stetzer . — Nashville. Tennessee : B&H Academic, ©2010. — 312 p. . — ISBN 978-0-8054-4537-4
ДКД 266
ДКД 266
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction - Ed Stetzer
Chaper 2: ESSAY 1: Mission Defined and Described - Charles Van Engen
Chaper 3: On Becoming Missional: Interacting with Charles Van Engen - Keith E. Eitel
Chapter 4: Mission and Missio Dei: Response to Charles Van Engens Mission Defined and Described - Enoh Wan
Chapter 5: efining and Describing Mission: A Response to Charles Van Engen, Keith Eitel? and Enoch Wan - Darrell L. Guder
Chapter 6: Twelve Theses on the Churchs Mission in the Twenty-first Century: In Interaction with Charles Van Engen, Keith Eitel, and Enoh Wan - Andreas J. Kstenberger
Chapter 7: Responding to Mission Defined and Described and the Four Responders - Ed Stetzer
Chapter 8: ESSAY 2: The Gospel in Human Contexts: Changing Perceptions of Contextualization - Paul G. Hiebert
Chapter 9: Response to Paul G. Hiebert: The Gospel in Human Contexts: Changing Perseptions of Contextualization - Michael Pocock
Chapter 10: Response to Paul G. Hiebert: The Gospel in Human Contexts: Changing Perseptions of Contextualization - Darrell. L Whiteman
Chapter 11: A Response to Paul G. Hiebert: The Gospel in Human Contexts: Changing Perseptions of Contextualization and to Darrell Whiteman and Michael Pocock - Norman L. Geisler
Chapter 12: Response to Hieberts Article: The Gospel in Human Contexts and to the Responses of Pocock and Whiteman - Avery T. Willis Jr.
Chapter 13: Responding to the Gospel in Human Contexts: Changing Perseptions of Contextualization - Ed Stetzer
Chapter 14: ESSAY 3: The Future of Evangelicals in Mission - Ralph D. Winter
Chapter 15: Looking Backward While Going Forward: A Response to Winters Vision - Scott Moreau
Chapter 16: In Response to The Future of Evangelicals in Mission - Christopher R. Little
Chapter 17: The Missing Key to the Future of Evangelical Missio - Mike Barnett
Chapter 18: In Response to Ralph Winters The Future of Evangelical in Mission - J. Mark Terry
Chapter 19: Responding to the Future of Evangelicals in Mission - Ed Stetzer
Chapter 20: Conclusion: A Scientific Postscript Grist for the Missiological Mills of the Future - David J. Hesselgrave
List of Contributors
Name Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index
Veteran missionary David Hesselgrave and rising missional expert Ed Stetzer edit this engaging set of conversational essays addressing global mission issues in the third millennium. Key contributors are Charles E. Van Engen ("Mission Described and Defined"), the late Paul Hiebert ("The Gospel in Human Contexts: Changing Perspectives on Contextualization"), and the late Ralph Winter ("The Future of Evangelicals in Mission"). Those offering written responses to these essays include: (Van Engen) Keith Eitel, Enoch Wan, Darrell Guder, Andreas J. Köstenberger; (Hiebert) Michael Pocock, Darrell Whiteman, Norman L. Geisler, Avery Willis; (Winter) Scott Moreau, Christopher Little, Michael Barnett, and Mark Terry.

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