Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Coresponsibility in the Church

262.02 SUE /1//1
Suenens L.J., ;
Coresponsibility in the Church / Suenens, Leon-Joseph Cardinal. — London : Burns & Oates Limited, 1968. — ISBN 223-97659-8
ДКД 262.02
ДКД 262.02
n the wake of Vatican II, the Church is questioning itself about its own nature, and about its mission within a world in the process of being born. Many questions arise exercising a mutual influence upon one another. Within this vast complex of problems, some priorities can be discerned, and in these pages I have tried to draw out that which on the level of pastoral activity seems to be the dominating theme of the Council: the coresponsibility of all Christians within the People of God. Coresponsibility is embodied at all times in ecclesiastical institutions, but, institutionalized or not, it is always underlying the very life of the Church. This synthetic aspect of collegial notion will occupy most of our attention

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