Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

On Being a Jewish Christsan, Its Blessings and its Problems

261.26 MON /1//1
Montefiore H., ;
On Being a Jewish Christsan : Its Blessings and its Problems / Montefiore, Hugh. — London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1998. — ISBN 0-340-71377-1
ДКД 261.26
ДКД 261.26
Hugh Montefiore was born into one of the best-known Anglo-Jewish families. He was converted to Christianity when he was 16 years old. This book is partly personal, but ranges widely with the intention of explaining the problems facing anyone who professes to be both Jewish and Christian. The author compares and contrasts two faiths, showing their similarities as well as their differences. He describes Judaism both in liturgical observance and as a way of life. He reminds the reader of the appalling history of the Christian Church's treatment of the Jews from the fourth century to the present day and makes a heartfelt plea for a formal apology from the Church to the Jewish people

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