Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Journal for the study of the Old Testament, A biblical interary, In seatch of method, from and content , Esseys in jonour of George W. Coats Supplement series 240

221 JOU /240/1997/1
Clines D. J. A., Davies P.R., Carpenter E.E., ;
Journal for the study of the Old Testament : A biblical interary : In seatch of method, from and content : Esseys in jonour of George W. Coats / Clines, David J.A.; Davies, Philip R.(ed.) ; edited by Eugene E. Carpenter. Supplement series 240. — Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press, 1997. — (JHBOTS/JSOTS). — ISBN 1-85075-653-8
ДКД 221
ДКД 221

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