Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Journal for the study of the Old Testament, Exploring the narrative, Jerusalem and Jordan ib the Bronze and Iron ages Supplement series 583

221 JOU /583/2014/1
Camp C.V., Mein A., Steen E., Boertien J., Mulder-Hymans N., ;
Journal for the study of the Old Testament : Exploring the narrative : Jerusalem and Jordan ib the Bronze and Iron ages / Camp, Claudia V.; Mein, Andrew (ed.) ; edited by Eveline van der Steen, Jeannette Boertien, Noor Mulder-Hymans. Supplement series 583. — London : Blumsbury, 2014. — (JHBOTS/JSOTS). — ISBN 978-0-56722-412-5 (HB)978-0-56765-537-0 (ePDF)
ДКД 221
ДКД 221

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