Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

The prodigal God, Recovering the heart of the Christian faith

226.806 KEL /1//1
Keller T., ;
The prodigal God : Recovering the heart of the Christian faith / Keller, Timothy. — London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2009. — ISBN 978-0-340-97998-3
ДКД 226.806
ДКД 226.806
In THE PRODIGAL GOD, New York pastor Timothy Keller uses the story of the prodigal son to shine a light on the central, beautiful message of Jesus: the gospel of grace, hope and salvation.Keller argues that the parable of the prodigal son, while Jesus' best-known parable, is also his least understood. He introduces the reader to all the characters in this timeless story, showing that it concerns not just a wayward son, but also a judgemental older brother and, most importantly, a loving father. In this challenging and inspiring book, Timothy Keller invites both faithful believers and curious outsiders to come to a new and totally life-changing understanding of the central message of the Christian faith

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