Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія

Dynamics of spiritual life, An evangelical theology of renewal

269.2 LOV.D /1//1
Lovelace R.F., ;
Dynamics of spiritual life : An evangelical theology of renewal / Lovelace, Richard F.. — Downers Grove : Inter-Varsity Press, 1979. — ISBN 0-87784-626-X
ДКД 269.2
ДКД 269.2
Richard Lovelace gives a history of spiritual renewals in light of biblical models. Isolating the elements of live orthodoxy, he proposes a comprehensive approach to renewal. Lovelace looks at such practical issues as renewal of the local congregation, the ways revivals go wrong, the evangelical thrust toward church unity, and Christian approaches to the arts and to social concern. A book for all concerned to revitalize the church

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